Friday, April 21, 2017

MTC Drop Off

Dear fam bam,

I miss you all so much but I LOVE the MTC :) I cannot believe I am here emailing you, I know this is going to fly by! So after you dropped me off and I went all around the MTC talking to different people and getting different books and stuff. I received a tablet so that's cool! I then dropped it off at my dorm room, went to class and am now emailing you ;) The Lord is giving me so much strength I can feel the strength of prayers and  my missionary setting apart blessing. I know this is EXACTLY where the lord wants me to be right now. I can't wait to tell you more! After getting stuff I went straight to emailing you so you guys know I didn't die in the 10 minutes I was walking ;) I believe my P-Day is Friday so expect emails then! My dorm room is super new and nice, and my companion (Sister Heath) is so great, I know I'm going to have a good time here. I love you all and can't wait to tell you more!

SISTER BOWEN (Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh) :))))))))

Family Photo at the MTC Drop off

Hurrah for Israel! Kayla's made the drop off a great experience for all of us.