Monday, May 29, 2017

Purple Oras and such

I know most of you probably skip down to the pictures but some of these stories are funny so if you have 5 minutes take a seat and use those reading skills your beloved elementary teachers provided you with. 

I meet a lot of new people everyday but this week I met some particularly noteworthy individuals. 

1. We had the name of some less actives we could never get a hold of  named the Criders and Wednesday night we saw their door open so we went and knocked with our usual "Aloha" when from inside we heard "Ugh it's the Mormons again!" Obviously I was a little concerned but a guy answered the door laughing and turns out Sister Iino knew them. They hardly ever opened the door to the Sister missionaries but lately they have invited us to dinner (Which we eat out on their deck because rules) and breakfast and the guy, a 25 year old named Cody, keep us supplied with cuties from Costco. Cody lives with his dad, who we call Dad. They hate Mormons and people from Utah, but I have definitely won them over. Patiently and slowly we are warming them up to the idea of coming back to church so crossing our fingers.

2. This week we also visited Tom, a funny old man that drives every snail he finds down to the beach and bases his entire schedule around garbage day.
"Hey Tom can we come back tomorrow at 2 and teach you another lesson about the gospel?"
"What's tomorrow?......Wednesday?...Ooo Garbage day..let's see they pick up at 2....sorry girls how about Thursday that's garbage day."

3. We went to Sister Meyers (A cute little Philippine lady) house and she fed us more food than I have ever eaten. I'm literally still recovering. The table was covered and then she brought out a whole sushi tray and 3 bags of Popeyes. She had been cooking all day it was super sweet of her. 

4. We also have another investigator on date for baptism named Brandon. Sister Iino and her last comp. had been teaching him for a long time and he was super skeptical, but this last time we went and taught the plan of Salvation and he suddenly said he wanted to be baptized and he even came to church yesterday. It just goes to show that we should never give up on people because they may be 1 lesson away from it clicking. 

5. Last, but most certainly not least, on Saturday we were heading to the Criders for dinner and saw one of our less actives doors open so we went and knocked. A short Japanese lady came out and immediately said "Ugh the Mormons." (We get that a lot) She said:
"I use to be one of you but my neighbor is part of your society so I quit."
"Our society...? Relief Society?"
"Yeah that. She was swearing at our other neighbor, I promise I never lie, I don't lie I also see oras around peoples heads and they are purple. You Mormons don't have them."
"Come with me you'll see we can talk to the neighbor she was swearing at so you can see I'm not lying, you have to tell you bishop so he can talk to her. I'm glad you guys came, but I knew you would because I've been working on my telepathy and call you two here."
*Proceeds to ponder about purple oras as the two neighbors talk about the Mormons and how they lie.*
"Okay well we gotta go bye now." 

I also tried poke (Po-Kay: Raw fish) and I loved it. We also keep getting fresh mango, bananas, and cuties from the members which makes serving a mission all the better. :)

I hope you are all doing good, I apologize for the long email. I'm going to stop sending mass emails, but be sure to check my blogspot for pictures and stories! Thank you to everyone we makes me day by sending letters and pictures over email!

This church is true, I promise!


Sister Bowen
Poke! Yummy

Lots of Wind that day
Other Sisters in our district 

Belgian waffle and ice cream and bananas and syrup ugh it was so good 


Rios Family  (From Home Ward)

Monday, May 22, 2017

Picture Kinda Week

This week I was told by some members at dinner I'm wife material because I cleaned a stain on my companion with a Tide-to-go pen, was chased by a pit bull, had my one month of being a missionary anniversary, taught some crazy anti-Mormons, broke some random rules I didn't know were rules, gave a ride to a gecko on our windshield, and ate more amazing food. 

Hope you are all doing good and thank you to those who send me pictures and tell my about their lives I love it <3 The church is true, I promise!

Sister Bowen

(P.S. Ft. what was hopefully food that one of the members sent us home with in a bag  from last week) 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

An entire email dedicated to food...hopefully...


I can say that now that I am an official resident of one whole week here in Hawaii. I am living on the island of Oahu in Ewa (Eva) Beach, and me and my comp. are loving life. My companion, Sister Iino, is from Japan and speaks very good Japanese. I love Hawaii and enjoy seeing pineapples growing out of pots in peoples front yards, surf boards atop every other car, and of course Hawaiian food like Lau Lau. Since being here I have had Hawaiian food, Korean food, Japanese food, and hopefully food food from one of the ward members homes last night. Still don't know what it was...

Last Monday Me, Sister Heath, Elder Maxwell, and Elder Owens all packed our bags onto a bus, said goodbye to our district *Sobs a little* and headed to the airport. At the airport a really nice guy bought us Cafe Rio, which was the last time I will eat Cafe Rio in 18 months. Sad Life. Then got on the plane and flew to Hawaii. The 6 hour flight went by so fast and was easily the best part of the trip. Once in Hawaii the mission president and his wife welcomed us, we got our bags and then we went to the mission home and got our assignments. I was assigned to Oahu, as was Sister Heath, Elder Owens was assigned to Kaui, and Elder Maxwell was assigned to Maui. It was super hard to say goodbye to them but exciting to finally be an actual missionary and start working! After sleeping over in the mission presidents home, I met my trainer Sister Iino and she took me to our apartment and let me unpack and then we went straight out and started visiting people. I love it. People here LOVE to "Talk Story" and so sometimes we can barley get a word in but I know so many people and it's only been 1 week. 

We run into crazy people, Anti-Mormons, and extreme cat lovers daily but I still love being a missionary and can't wait to see how Im going to grow over the next few months. In the last ensign I read what has now become my new favorite talk, "The greatest amoung you" By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Go Read it. Seriously it's so good. 

Hope you are all doing good, I love hearing about life back at home, and I especially love getting pictures! Mahalo for everything you have all always done for me. This church is true I promise.

Until Next week,

Sister Bowen

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mothers Day Call

We were able to have a great Skype call with Sister Kayla Bowen on Sunday May 14th for Mother's day.  

Kayla and her trainer companion Sister Iino (E-no) from Japan went to a members house and there was able to use Skype and connect with us all at home. It was great to see and hear her, we all had a great time and were uplifted and so grateful for this mission experience.  

She has been assigned to the Waipahu Ews Beach 2nd Ward in Oahu. It's about 25 miles west of Honolulu on the west side of Oahu the "dry" side. (The wind blows from the east to the west and the east side gets most of the rains.) She says it reminds her of Daybreak with palm trees on one street and then the next is rustic Hawaiian very diverse area. There is lots of cats and birds everywhere they go. 

Kayla was happy and smiling throughout the call. She is doing great and has been having a wonderful experience. She has only been Hawaii for less than a week and has not yet even had a P-Day (Preparation day). They also have a nice new car as their method transportation.

She has met several great members and has been able eat all kinds of different foods from different cultures already; Korean, Japanese and Hawaiian. She also noticed that Little Caesars is $7 for a hot-and-ready pepperoni pizza. They call it "the 40 lb mission" because of all the great food and great member support.

Sister IIno is from Japan and never spoke English before leaving home and speaks it fluently now she has been on her mission for 13 months. Kayla says she is great missionary and trainer and it looks like they are having a great time.  

Sister Bowen and Sister Iino

Showing off her Tag

Tan line (sort of) after 6 days!
Saying Goodbye

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Your Missionary Has Arrived!

May 10, 2017

Dear Brother and Sister Bowen:

We’re pleased to have Sister Bowen serving in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission. Included are several photos of her with President and Sister Bekker and the group that arrived with her.
We have found that weekly encouragement from home helps missionaries remain happy and also inspires greater missionary effort. Mail should be sent to:

Missionary Name (First, Middle Initial, and Last)
Hawaii Honolulu Mission
1500 S. Beretania Street, Suite 416
Honolulu, HI 96826

Please be aware that first class and priority mail can be forwarded from the mission office to missionaries without cost. Other services (FedEx, UPS, DHL) do charge to forward mail, which we collect from the missionary.

May the Lord’s blessings be with you and your family as Sister Bowen serves the people here in Hawaii.

Sister Williams
Mission Secretary
Hawaii Honolulu Mission

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Week 2

Its Week 2 and this time next week Ill be on a plane to Hawaii! 

Our district (Comprised of 4 elders and 4 sisters) is so close, it's going to be unbelievably hard to leave next Monday. Teaching is becoming easier and but I don't think 3 months of role playing could be enough, I guess Ill just have to jump straight in and start learning right in the field. 
Gym time is amazing and I spend most of it beating the Elders at Horse with my stellar threes (Pause to turn and smirk at Elder Hatch) and you get to know so many people during that time because everyone is super nice and just loving the MTC.

The weather is finally nice, we even had class outside, but all my southern elders and sisters were still cold. They do a good job here with flowers and everything, which makes it all a bit less prison like. (; Sometimes being outside is the only thing that is out of our routine so we enjoy slowly walking....we even found a bee and spent 10 minutes giving it water and nuturing it back to health. (Yes it was exciting, trust me you'll understand someday if you go to the MTC.)

We had Chik-Fil-A yesterday and it was amazing. If anyone would like to mail me Chik-Fil-A I would not oppose.

I hope everyone is enjoying life as much as I am (I highly doubt that) but I love getting pictures, especially pictures of us together so I can show my district! (: Love you all!

I am super excited for Hawaii but I would rather stay here with my district... I am so unbelievably happy here and never want to leave. Elder Maxwell, Elder Ridgwell, and elder Hatch are some of my closest friends in the whole world, it's going to hurt me so much when I leave.

We are teaching 2 new investigators this week and I'm getting better at it but it's still hard because I have a lot of knowledge about the gospel but have to completely forget all of that and teach people that God loves them and how to pray haha. I bought a journal last week finally and so far it is pretty cool, I feel really official with it. 

I love you and think about you lots, next time we talk I'll be in Hawaii and I can't wait to hear from You then!! 


Sister Bowen