Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Aloha and guess what? I finally understand why people love Hawaii. Let me explain.

I've never been to Hawaii and the airport (First stop when I arrived here), Downtown Honolulu (Second stop), and Waipahu (Third and final stop) are the only parts of Hawaii I have seen. For those of you who haven't been there, all of those places don't look that different from Utah. I understand that a mission has nothing to do with the place that you are sent and everything to do with the people, but I still expected more out of it (I had heard Hawaii was pretty or something like that). Well for our P-Day today, we got to drive up to Laie and go to the Laie temple, and now I understand. I mean wow. I remember driving me and my companion down a road and around a bend when I suddenly almost forgot to drive because we saw the ocean and the beach and people surfing like pros and a bunch of locals having a barbecue and the sun was coming up and just wow. It's beautiful and we passed some amazing places on our way back (We drove a full circle around the island) including the place where they filmed Jurassic Park. Anybody down for dino hunting in 16 months? 

The temple itself was also so much fun to get to experience. It's amazing how the temple can just recharge you, I could go tracting for days. We got lots of pictures and all in all it was a successful P-Day. 

So this family, the Q____ family, have been investigating the church for nine years. NINE. They have literally been through DOZENS of missionaries. We got the opportunity to be the missionaries when the spirit finally broke through to them and they have set a date for baptism!!! Unfortunately it's December 1st....BUT. STILL. DATE. YES. :D

This week I have begun to understand the power behind prayer. Not like in a Young Women's lesson "Power of Prayer" sense but in a "when you kneel and talk in your mind you are speaking with the creator of the universe holy cow" sense. The creator of the universe wants to discuss things with us everyday and that blows my mind. I am so unbelievably grateful for prayer. I am also understanding better the role of Jesus Christ in our lives, and the gift of repentance we have been given by him. The only difference between those that make it to the Celestial kingdom and everyone else is that those who will be worthy to enter the Celestial kingdom repented everyday. I love how strong my testimony is becoming, and I love watching our investigators testimonies strengthen along with mine as well. 

I love you all so much, I hope you all have a good week!

This church is true, I promise. :)

Alofa atu,
Sister Bowen

(Pictures: Package from home, Zone, Comp. and Me, and a terrible picture that gives the scenery no justice)

Monday, June 19, 2017

2 months down, 16 more to go

Aloha everyone!

and Mahalo to everyone that sent me emails last week and this week, it honestly makes my whole day to see pictures and hear from you! :)

Happy Fathers Day to all and happy 2 months to me! Only 16 more to go,  it's already flying by.

This week has been so busy, we had transfer calls, but me and my comp. are both staying in Ewa beach. We had stake conference, fathers day and eating more mysterious dinner. Hey I know that isn't that busy but for a missionary....so busy. 

We also have a 2 new investigators, and an adorable 9 year old girl on date for baptism! Her name is Kalani and she is so excited to be baptized even tho she doesn't quite understand everything yet ;)

Things I have learned about Hawaii (cont.):
1. EVERYONE owns at least 3 dogs and 47 cats (Whether or not they are aware of them)
2. Milk really is $6.....goodbye cereal (*Hears my mother rejoice*)
3. Everyone thinks it's blasphemous that we can't go to the beach because "It's one of Gods creations"
4. Everyone gives us dessert because "They're missionaries they never get treated." Stop it we're getting fat.
5. The weather really is perfect all day everyday :)

I love being a missionary and I love knowing that everyday when I wake up there is nowhere in the world the Lord would rather have me be. I love you all and pray for you all every night, also read Acts 5, I read it this week and can't stop reading it :) Have a good week!

Alofa atu,
Sister Bowen

PICTURES: (Waipahu zone sisters, Me and the comp. being excited about homemade butter Mochi, Zone conference last week ft. Elder Boyd, and Bowling with the Samoan and Tongan Elders)

Monday, June 12, 2017

ALOHA....only because I'm a sister missionary

The last two weeks have been super great! Still finding new investigators everyday and we have 3 new people that want to be baptized! I love being a missionary and can feel my testimony grow stronger everyday :)

We had a miracle with one of our investigators who had a Word of Wisdom problem. He vaped (smoking) and we were really nervous to tell him in order to be baptized he would have to give it up. When we got to the lesson turns out his wife had made him stop a couple of days before and he had sold all his stuff! We were so happy that he had already gone without for a week and now he's ready to be baptized!

Some interesting things about my mission so far that I didn't expect:
1. I use chopsticks every night for dinner. (I'm pretty good with them now)
2. Everyone in Hawaii has cameras on their doorbells so it's really hard to see less actives that don't want to see you. (*Casually covers missionary name tag while standing on the porch*)
3. Everyone calls old people Uncle and Auntie.
4. Not taking off your shoes at the door and leaving them outside is SUPER disrespectful.
5. Nobody says Aloha....except for the Sister Missionaries. ;)

I love you all and love hearing from you! The church is true I promise :)

'Ofa atu ma aloha!

Uso Bowen

Friday, June 9, 2017

June 2017 Mission Newsletter

Ka’Ohilani The Heavenly Gathering

Dear Elders and Sisters of the Hawaii Honolulu Mission,

In Doctrine and Covenants 20:9, the Lord declares that the Book of Mormon contains the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is one of the reasons we can get nearer to God by abiding by it’s precepts than by any other book. In the Book of Mormon, the Gospel of the Savior is presented in clarity and plainness. Nephi twice repeats that his “soul delighteth in plainness.” (II Nephi 25: 4, II Nephi 31:3). Nephi explains that communicating in plainness is how “the Lord God works among the children of men… for He speaketh unto me according to their language unto their understanding. (II Nephi 31:3). In our life-long study of the Book of Mormon, we have been struck by Nephi’s approach to scripture study and teaching. Nephi always wanted to more fully persuade his people to believe in the Lord, their Redeemer (I Nephi 19:23). He was anxious to bear testimony of the Savior and teach future generations about the saving power of Christ’s Atonement. Nephi wrote: “we are made alive in Christ because of our faith… we prophesy of Christ.” Nephi sought to “liken all scriptures unto themselves.”

In November of 1841, on a sabbath day in Illinois, Joseph Smith “spent the day in council with the Twelve Apostles at the house of Brigham Young.” On this occasion, the Prophet Joseph Smith “told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by it’s precepts, than any other book.”
Missionary work today continues to roll forward as prophesied by ancient prophets- here in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission is no exception; in fact, it is a great fulfillment of those prophecies. Each day as missionaries we are sharing our testimonies of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this latter-day, and the Book of Mormon is the keystone or proof of that Restoration. We are so grateful for this inspired book- a true witness of the reality of the Restoration of the Gospel. By earnest study and prayer, every serious investigator may know the truth.

We add our testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and express our gratitude for this additional witness of the Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that every missionary in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission will study and pray to strengthen his or her testimony and thereby be better prepared to share this important book with others. As we focus in the coming months on the Book of Mormon, we pray that the witness of the Spirit will burn with intensity in your hearts. All of our love and prayers go out to you as you strive to be your best.

We love you! Warmest Aloha,
President and Sister Bekker

How Are We Doing?
Baptisms 33
Confirmations 35
Investigators with baptism date 133
New investigators 585
Investigators at sacrament mtg. 722

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 5th

This week was pretty normal. We got to go volunteer at Pearl Harbor and clean the Missouri ship! It was cool but I would like to see the rest of the memorial. I just realized the other day that it's called Pearl Harbor because it's located in Pearl City...haha I've been living here for how many weeks now? 

We are teaching this family, The M____ family, and they are so great but the parents want their kids to choose whether they want to be baptized but refuse to take them to church...ugh it's frustrating but most people we visit here are less actives. I hate it. They often will say, "Yeah I know it's true but I'm too busy and I don't want it to take over me life." .....O LE A LOU MAFAUFAU?! (What are you thinking) 

Well thanks for raising me to know that this gospel is true and can make life easier ;) Also I would like to say I am learning the Samoan language but I'm not really just words here and there ;) Hope to hear form you soon!

Alofa a tu,

Sister Bowen