Monday, July 24, 2017

Aloha! And yes I have been sick

Aloha! And yes I have been sick and avoiding telling you all because I didn't want you to worry, but to be honest I am more worried about how much attention has been brought to me.  I do get sick when I eat but it's just uncomfortable and I have't even had to take a single sick day. Pray that they find a virus or something they can easily give me medication for and not something I need to go home for. I wouldn't be able to handle coming home early. Especially because I'm not in so much pain that I can't be helpful here in the mission. 

The work is going great and I'm getting more and more use to the customs as well as the people here in the Ewa Beach 2nd ward! I went in for the scan at the hospital and they didn't find anything so they are thinking it's probably a virus. There was actually this Sister in this mission a few months ago that went home because she was having the same symptoms as me and she had surgery and her gall bladder was way infected and so I think all the mission doctors are a little paranoid because of that.....I don't feel gross enough for surgery tho so no worries. 

I GOT THE PACKAGE!!!! I literally almost started crying it was so great and the kiwis and bread are so good! It's taken me a very long time to eat them all (Im still working on them) because I can't eat a lot at the same time but I love them, I actually forgot to take a picture right off because I was so excited, but I got some later ;) Thanks for making me feel so loved and helping me on my mission. 

I love seeing the pictures of Wolfcreek, I missed being there with you all but I'm glad for the experience of missing it because I now know that when I go back in 2 years I will enjoy it even more :) I hope we go to that cool church in 2 years because it looks awesome, I loved seeing the pictures. 

Zone conference was so fun, I loved it. I always get so motivated. There are a handful of certain Elders that always magically end up standing right next to me and just have to talk to me because there is nobody else nearby also they just have to know where I live and how far away is that from Wyoming? ;) 

We have two new investigators that are amazing named Radasha and Wills. She literally has a notebook and takes notes every lesson, and they came to church Sunday, and she prays at the end of lessons, and we went to the Visitor Center in Laie because they just really wanted to see the temple and just wow. They are amazing. As Dad knows golden investigators like these don't happen very often haha ;)
We went to the Barbers home last night (My favorite family in the Ward) and their little girl Izzy just adores me. She doesn't get along with anyone else but she just cuddles with me and loves me :D I love Sister Barber, she has been through a lot but she is a fighter and never brings attention to herself she is always serving, plus her husband is awesome. He pretends to not like me but I'm literally his favorite. ;) I think they took a picture of me for Facebook, If they did send it to e hopefully I don't look like trash, that was a long day. 

Thanks again for the package and all the prayers, I really can feel them, I have gotten better. I love you and miss you and I'm sure I will think of a million other things to say after I send this but I'll keep you updated. Sister Iino gets transferred next week and I'll have a new comp. by Tuesday of next week so next Monday I will let you know where she is going! She is also going to take her English test at BYUH today so pray for her to do well! We have studied a lot! 

Love you and can't wait to hear for you!! 

Sister Bowen

    1. Love the package of goodies to help me and the Love from you  <3

    2. Elders stole my camera, ft. Elder Williams in front (AP)

    3. My mom (Trainer) on the left and grandma (her trainer) in the middle who's dying this week (going

    4. My best friend Sister Thompson 

    5. My motivation :) 

    Golden Investigators like Radasha and Wills 

    Our adorable investigators Khloe and Karlie we love 

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 10th

Hey Parentals I hope this week was a good one :) I hope you got my package, also I never realized how fun it is to hear about when somebody else gets your package so sorry I was no fun when I got the package form you! I loved it! I opened up everything and loved reading the letter with everyone's notes (Especially Dad's forged one haha)

I can't believe Natalie is 15 and going to be driving in 6 months....Jordan turning 15 I was ready for but definitely not Natalie. Shes's the best tho I hope she had a good one!

We had a baptism on Saturday for Brandon and it went great, I'm so happy for him :)

We went golfing and bowling today for P-Day because there is nothing Hawaiiany to do here haha

I also hope you had a good forth of July! I missed eating BBQ and being with everyone but it's all good.

I thought it was so cute how Sister Hargrove sent that picture and message to you yesterday awe that was so cute, sorry it was at like 11 for Utah time haha

Can't wait to hear from you have a good week if I don't hear form you today!

Good morning and I hope that Wolfcreek was the best time ever!

I definitely missed it but MISSIONARY WORK MUST GO ON!!!!!! Just kidding I'm not THAT excited about missionary work ;) but I do love serving the Lord even if it means I miss wolfcreek ;)

This week we had to drive to Honolulu (1 hour drive) twice for doctors app. and stuff, I'm really not that sick I hope you aren't too worried about me. I don't know why they are giving me like this big deal test...ugh I was suppose to be an awesome missionary and instead I am just using up all their insurance money. Sorry Hawaii Honolulu mission. So luckily I haven't had to take any sick days or even sick breaks because the only time I feel sick is if I eat, so i just eat slowly throughout the day and I'm fine. I really think I just started eating too much and that's all....*sigh* food. 

So today has been hard because I just found out that Hayden (from college) just went home and I don't know why...he was doing so good and he's been out for like 8 months already. That the 3rd close friend I've had go home. I freaks me out to think about going home before I'm done, I honestly can't think of anything else in the whole world. Which is actually good :)

We have zone conference this week which is my FAVORITE day of the whole transfer so woo hoo. Let me know how today has been, and it's always so good to get your emails and read them I love it!! Very few people actually email me every week and it makes me feel so loved to see you two are always so consistent and send me stuff to read. THANK YOU :))

Here's a video of everyday hope you like seeing my cute face ;)

Sister Bowen

Monday, July 3, 2017

Cereal for Days


I would like to start off by saying that I have to take back what I said about no more cold cereal a couple of emails ago....We got about 10 boxes from a member so now we live off of cereal. (Sorry mom but the cookie crisps aren't going to eat themselves)

This week was like any other week, lots of visiting less actives, lots of funny quotes from Sister Iino, and of course the typical trying to save kittens that are trapped in car engines. I also started reading the book, Jesus the Christ, by Mr. Talmage and its absolutely  phenomenal. If you have never read it, read it, especially my fellow missionaries. If any of you have any suggestions for good church materials to read be sure to let me know, I love finding new church books to read. (I've literally read every ensign in our apartment twice)

I'm so happy to be able to see how far our investigators have come, especially one particular investigator Brandon who is being baptized this week! The district leader interviewed him for baptism and told us that he is so ready. I can't wait to see him grow even more and eventually get sealed in the temple to his wife. :)

This week an amazing thing happened: Sister Iino and I were taking pictures outside the temple and all the sudden she screams and starts running to these members (The Ferris's) in our ward that we don't know very well. I was like okay this is weird...but turns out the Ferris's  had a close family friend staying with them that Sister Iino recognized form Japan! Nobody had any idea they they all knew each other and the friend was basically Sister Iino's second mom from Japan. They invited us for dinner that night and as I was eating, this Japanese lady started taking tons of pictures of me. I was like what is happening I'm just trying to eat my pizza, and meanwhile everyone around me is speaking in Japanese, so needless to say I was very confused. Turns out that lady is a very famous artist and she said she wanted to draw me, which was so cute of her. So anyway long story short *Plays "It's a Small World"* and also if anyone ever sees a drawing of me by a Japanese artist let me know. ;)

I love you all and hope you all have a great week!
The church is true, I promise :)

Alofa atu,
Sister Bowen

1) Frank Jr., our baby gecko that lives in our apartment 
2) Sister Iino and our cereal and new knifes

3) The missionaries getting VERY excited about the claw machine when we went bowling