Monday, April 16, 2018

I'm loving Honolulu!

After leaving Lahaina I was worried I would loose the fire I have right now for missionary work but the spirit has let me know that this is where I need to be at this point in my mission and I am so grateful that our mission President is so inspired. I am still a little surprised that I love it so much but I really do. 

SO I am currently learning Chuukese which is AWESOME. Me and my new companion Sister Eberhard, are over the Chuukese and Pohnpaiens in the Micronesian Branch here in Honolulu. The Micronesian Branch that meets at the Tabernacle in downtown Honolulu (which just happens to be right next to our beautiful apartment) consists of Marshelles, Chuukese, and Pohnpeian, whom all come from the Micronesian Islands also known as the Guam mission. We got language packets for both Chuukese and Pohnpeian from the Guam mission so we officially are called to speak both languages. I am focusing mostly on Chuukese because most of our current investigators are from Truk and for the most part none of the Chuukese speak English, they are the least Americanized of all the Micronesian Islands. The people are so humble and so willing to listen, despite the language barrier. We use a lot of object lessons and it has been fun teaching the people almost like how we would teach the kids in my other areas. Definitely right in my ball park.  

We had a great lesson with a family that sat and listened so intently to our message of eternal families. This family was sitting in a 2 roomed house in a dirty part of Honolulu, they don't have a car or even any decorations in their home but they have their family and they were so pwapwa (Happy) anyway. I love these people for that. 

I am still an STL here in Honolulu but there are no other Sisters in the Honolulu Zone so we cover the sisters in the HonWest zone and some of Waipahu. I love the sisters we are over and can't wait to go on exchanges over the next transfer. 

Today for P-Day we FINALLY GOT TO GO HIKING!! I have been wanted to hike my whole mission and we finally are in a zone that has a lot of awesome hikes. Today we picked Koko Head......I went from 1 year of no hikes to the hardest hike I've ever been on. Hahaha I had a great time anyway. Koko Head is a beautiful hike up a mountain, and you climb up an old railroad track to get to the top. Don't ask me how that train made it to the top because I barely did. 

I can't believe my 1 year mark is this week, time has gone too quickly and I know it will be over before I know it. I can't wait to be home again but there is no way I'm not going to miss this. Missionary work is unforgettable. Thank you for all you sacrifice to allow me to be here, I will forever be grateful to you for raising me to be prepared for the best 18 months of my life. 

Love you,

Sister Bowen 

Monday, April 9, 2018

I'm leaving Lahaina

Aloha 😊,

I'm leaving Lahaina and I am so disappointed! I will miss Sister Fifita more than I can say and we have 4 baptisms coming up. I asked Sister Fifita to send me pictures of all the baptisms but it's just not the same. 

I am being transferred to.....get ready......Honolulu! I will be serving right in the heart of the city in the Honolulu 2nd ward and I will also be serving in a Chukees branch. I'm excited for the new adventure. My zone leader Elder Wills said Honolulu was one of his favorite areas and one of the other elders was so excited that I was serving in the Chukees branch. He said I will be changed so much by them. My new companion is Sister Eberhard, who Sister Wilson trained and I've met at MLC. She a hard worker and all of her companions have loved her so I think we will get along great. Not to mention the apartment that the Honolulu sisters stay at is beautiful and right in the middle of the city, so I have the best view in the mission ;) 

This week I said goodbye to the Swenson, who I am going to miss so so much and the Honda family who we were very close with. I also said goodbye to the Hayes family yesterday and it is the first time since we finally got permission to have Brother Hayes baptized (Permission we didn't think we were going to get) that we taught a lesson and he is a changed man. I can't explain how different he is from when I first came to the area and met him and who he is now. He is happy and talkative and so full of hope. I never understood how much I took the hope that comes from baptism for granted until I met Randy. He has changed me and given me fire to find those in Honolulu that need hope. I am so grateful for the hope of the gospel that is not only something I get to teach everyday, but deeply apart of who I am.  

Molokai now only has 1 set of elders instead of 2 and Lanai is getting their own set of elders! I think it would be so hard to serve on a whole island by yourself but the missionaries there are going to do great.

It rained so much here this week, in fact there hasn't been a day that it hasn't rained since the beginning of this transfer, I love it. We also made sure to do a mochi ice cream run for one final time and ran across a palm tree forest while trying to find a referral for a new investigator. Lahaina and Sister Fifita time is something I will never forget. 

I hope all is well at home and I was so happy to see that you took a trip for Flat Stanley in St. George! :) Tell everyone I said hi and I miss them more and more every week :)

Sister Bowen