Monday, October 30, 2017

Trying to wrap our heads around this area

This week we have done a lot of visiting Less Actives and trying to wrap out heads around this area. You would think by the time 2 transfers is in the making we would know how to spend our days most effectively but we really don't. Tracting gets us a lot of "Oh you're Jehovah Witnesses huh?" and "We all worship the same guy (Points to the sky) we just call it different things." Yeah like priesthood authority and no priesthood authority. No worries I am always very Christ-like ;) But it really has been difficult and I feel like I am making no progress but our mission President said in his email to me this week, " It is often the best missionaries (like you) who are the hardest on themselves. Each day look for what is, and not what isn't. Also, as you have a desire to "do more," I would refer you to the Source that give the best guidance. Pray diligently, listen for the gentle promptings, and then follow them. You will be amazed at how Father in Heaven will guide you when you actively listen." Simple guidance but something I needed this week :)

We had 2 baptisms this week, boys named Sam and Justice who we have been teaching and it's has been fun to use my creative teaching side to come up with ideas about teaching the different gospel principles and lessons. I gave the talk on baptism and then after the baptism we had our ward Trunk or Treat. A couple of our investigators came and we took lots of great pictures :) We carved a pumpkin for Sister Sogas birthday and Halloween and had a booth in church for the Young Women Program (Like the Primary program).

I hope all continues to go well with work and I feel your prayers every night, thank you for everything 

Alofa atu,
Sister Bowen 

Monday, October 23, 2017

6 Month Mark

I love love love getting your emails and can you believe I've been out 6 months? I can't...I don't feel like I have changed that much but I guess that's suppose to come near the end of the mission ;)

This week I have felt a little down altho I love my companion and the area is great just because, like you said, I don't feel like I'm making a huge difference. I thought I would be exhausted as a missionary because I would be talking so much and teaching so many lesson and tracting all day, but honestly I just feel exhausted because I feel like I'm not progressing and that's okay, that's still learning which is progressing ;)

Me and Sister Soga went and got milkshakes to celebrate (6 months)!!! 

Funny you ask about the Pineapple, I definitely ate way more pineapple at home than I have here ;) I hope you have a good birthday, just think next time it's your birthday I'll be a few weeks from coming home!

I am so grateful for my mission because I realize more and more what I love and miss and take for granted. I miss it snowing outside. I miss Hollys frank remarks and Jordans low key love for his sisters. I miss Natalies laugh and candles and Halloween decorations. And I miss taking funny pictures with the family :) I'm not homesick I just realize how many things I took for granted and I'm so happy when I come home it all won't be over!

I love you so much and can't wait to talk to you next week!

Alofa atu,

Sister Bowen 

Stevenna, my favorite 9 year old investigator :)

a lady in our ward gave us SO much food, we are so blessed here :)

Monday, October 9, 2017

West Side Pride....and Tan

Aloha :)

This week I found out I am a wildlife photographer and that I still love being a missionary ;) The people here in Hawaii are also very good at giving us water bottles so we don't get thirsty ;) The picture is one weeks worth of bottles from our car haha.

I love Hawaii and I feel so strengthened by the prayers and I love you both so much. I hope all is well at home, tell nana and papa I love them and I will talk to you next week when I have new transfer news :)

Love you!!

Sister Bowen 

Monday, October 2, 2017

This week was pretty uneventful

This week was pretty uneventful so I have little to say but I'm so glad to hear your show is coming up and as stressful as it is it's always a good thing :) I love you and Mom and tell Nana and Papa that I am sorry I don't email them back very often, I have very little time to us the computer and have to do lots of stuff like numbers and email President Bekker. I love them tho and love their emails :)

Glad to see Natalie and Jordan are enjoying their new ride and I hope that they stay safe! Have a good week and I'll talk to you in a week when all the crainess is over ;) Tell Mom I love her and didn't email her because I know shes's with you. Have awesome vacation...or business trip...or both ;)

Alofa atu,Sister Bowen