Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Aloha and guess what? I finally understand why people love Hawaii. Let me explain.

I've never been to Hawaii and the airport (First stop when I arrived here), Downtown Honolulu (Second stop), and Waipahu (Third and final stop) are the only parts of Hawaii I have seen. For those of you who haven't been there, all of those places don't look that different from Utah. I understand that a mission has nothing to do with the place that you are sent and everything to do with the people, but I still expected more out of it (I had heard Hawaii was pretty or something like that). Well for our P-Day today, we got to drive up to Laie and go to the Laie temple, and now I understand. I mean wow. I remember driving me and my companion down a road and around a bend when I suddenly almost forgot to drive because we saw the ocean and the beach and people surfing like pros and a bunch of locals having a barbecue and the sun was coming up and just wow. It's beautiful and we passed some amazing places on our way back (We drove a full circle around the island) including the place where they filmed Jurassic Park. Anybody down for dino hunting in 16 months? 

The temple itself was also so much fun to get to experience. It's amazing how the temple can just recharge you, I could go tracting for days. We got lots of pictures and all in all it was a successful P-Day. 

So this family, the Q____ family, have been investigating the church for nine years. NINE. They have literally been through DOZENS of missionaries. We got the opportunity to be the missionaries when the spirit finally broke through to them and they have set a date for baptism!!! Unfortunately it's December 1st....BUT. STILL. DATE. YES. :D

This week I have begun to understand the power behind prayer. Not like in a Young Women's lesson "Power of Prayer" sense but in a "when you kneel and talk in your mind you are speaking with the creator of the universe holy cow" sense. The creator of the universe wants to discuss things with us everyday and that blows my mind. I am so unbelievably grateful for prayer. I am also understanding better the role of Jesus Christ in our lives, and the gift of repentance we have been given by him. The only difference between those that make it to the Celestial kingdom and everyone else is that those who will be worthy to enter the Celestial kingdom repented everyday. I love how strong my testimony is becoming, and I love watching our investigators testimonies strengthen along with mine as well. 

I love you all so much, I hope you all have a good week!

This church is true, I promise. :)

Alofa atu,
Sister Bowen

(Pictures: Package from home, Zone, Comp. and Me, and a terrible picture that gives the scenery no justice)

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